HE35 | Fragonia Oil

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Fragonia Plantation 2.jpg

HE35 | Fragonia Oil

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~ Agonis Fragrans ~

Fragonia ia a lignotuberous shrub reaching approximately 2.4m in height. It has erect flowering branches and thick rigid leaves along with small clusters of five white petalled flowers and a pretty pink centre. Flowering takes place between January and May typically. It is found on the south coast of Western Australia. Recognised as coarse tea-tree by the cut flower industry, it has only recently been given its common name, which reflects the fragrant nature of both the foliage and the extracted oil.

A safe and effective essential oil with the potential to be used in conditions both physiologically and emotionally and so effective for or all body systems. The ratio of the molecular families of Fragonia and the proportions between the molecules are arranged according to the golden proportion. Because this golden proportion is reproduced at several levels, we obtain the picture of the structure that is known in modern physics as a fractal. To have in a single EO, at the same time, the golden proportion and the fractal structure is absolutely unique! Researchers have never come across on essential oil before that has this amazing power of harmonization and rebalancing. Fragonia also has application in stress-related problems and mentality because of its effect of creating balance in the body and mind.

The apparent uniqueness of Fragonia™ is its ability to work at a deep level, releasing physical and emotional blockages and having the capacity to bring harmony, peace and balance. As a regulating/balancing oil, it can help with stuck, congestive and interrupted conditions and bring the body’s natural healing abilities back into line. 

Fragonia™ is a female oil, a yin oil. It works well when applied to the upper chakras of the body, where blockages occur and have become stuck. These can involve issues of grief, lingering hurts and emotional enmeshments stemming from unresolved family and other core issues and of course, pain and hurt from loss of love and relationships.

Regulation of the Body Clock

Fragonia™ appears to have a very positive effect in preventing or minimizing the symptoms of jet lag. Many shift workers report that Fragonia™ has seemed to lessen their requirement to use alcohol (to relax) and coffee (to stimulate) to regulate their body clock.

The symptoms of jet lag and shift work are primarily due to a disturbance of the circadian rhythm and sleep cycle. Endogenous melatonin secreted by the pineal gland has been identified as contributing to the physiological regulation of circadian rhythms.

These outcomes indicate a possible interaction of Fragonia™ with the pineal gland. For information on the Influence on the Female Menstrual Cycle check with your aromatherapist and also the University of Western Australia.

Fragonia™ seems to assist in the female or yin condition. At an emotional level it particularly helps alleviate grief and sadness, while dispersing, clearing, opening up, balancing, calming and bringing harmony.

Use in oil burner: add a few drops to water. 
Possible skin irritant; Test on small area of skin and dilute if necessary, before use.

Oil Characteristics:
The odour is described as a pleasant fresh cineolic odour with a hint of a citrus note (which becomes more pronounced after a few minutes) mixed with a slight spicy cinnamon tonality and sweet balsamic undertones. The dry down is very faint being sweet, soapy and woody balsamic.

Chemical Characteristics:
Primary constituents of the oil are 1.8 cineole, alpha-pinene & linalool. It is an extremely balanced oil, with the oxides (cineole), monoterpenes (alpha-pinene) and monoterpenols (linalol and others) in near perfect 1:1:1 ratio. Monoterpenes 30-39% Oxides 29-32% Monoterpenols 23-29% In working with Fragonia™, it is important to know the chemical constituents and the properties associated with them. Following are the percentage ranges of these constituents: -pinene 23.0 - 29% 1.8-cineole 26.6 – 32.5% terpinen-4-ol 3.0 – 4.3% -pinene 1.5 - 1.8% linalool 8.00 – 12.4% -terpineol 5.4 – 7.6% myrcene 1.4 – 2.2% -cymene 1.6 - 2.9% myrtenol 3.1 – 4.5% limonene 2.3 - 2.5% -terpinene 1.3 – 3.3% geraniol 0.5 – 1.6%

Chemical Profile:
Primary constituents of the oil are 1.8 cineole, alpha-pinene & linalool. It is an extremely balanced oil, with the oxides (cineole), monoterpenes (alpha-pinene) and monoterpenols (linalol and others) in near perfect 1:1:1 ratio. Monoterpenes 30-39% Oxides 29-32% Monoterpenols 23-29% In working with Fragonia™, it is important to know the chemical constituents and the properties associated with them. Following are the percentage ranges of these constituents: -pinene 23.0 - 29% 1.8-cineole 26.6 – 32.5% terpinen-4-ol 3.0 – 4.3% -pinene 1.5 - 1.8% linalool 8.00 – 12.4% -terpineol 5.4 – 7.6% myrcene 1.4 – 2.2% -cymene 1.6 - 2.9% myrtenol 3.1 – 4.5% limonene 2.3 - 2.5% -terpinene 1.3 – 3.3% geraniol 0.5 – 1.6%

Production Method:
Steam Distillation - stems and leaves

Caution should be taken when using Essential Oils. Do not use any oils without consultation from a qualified aroma therapy practitioner. All Essential Oils should be kept out of the reach of children.