HE42 | Australian Lemon Balm Oil
HE42 | Australian Lemon Balm Oil
~Oil of Eucalyptus Staigeriana~
Eucalyptus staigeriana, Lemon Ironbark or Lemon-scented Ironbark, is a small rough barked sclerophyll tree that grows naturally in pure stands on hills in the Palmer River region of Cape York, North Queensland, Australia.
Eucalyptus stageriana essential oil is gentle and relaxing, suitable for children.
Beneficial for treating everyday muscular discomfort, toning muscles and for inhalations.
It is not cineol-rich, so can be used by people with sensitive skin.
Useful in the diffuser or vaporizer to scent rooms, cleanse the air and repel insects.
Use in oil burner: add a few drops to water.
Possible skin irritant; Test on small area of skin and dilute if necessary, before use.
Oil Characteristics:
It has a fruity-lemon fragrance with rosemary-like back tones. E. staigeriana fresh weight leaves yield 2.9-3.4% essential oil. It contains a range of essential oil components, including geranial, methyl geranate, geranyl acetate, limonene, phellandrene, neral, terpinolene and geraniol.
Production Method:
Steam Distilled
* Avoid eye area * Do not apply neat/undiluted to skin * Do not take internally * Keep out of reach of children * Not for use during pregnancy/infancy * When in doubt, consult a Registered Aromatherapy Practitioner